Sunday, January 01, 2017

Reaper Miniature's Undertaker - 77143

This miniature is from the bones pile - it's the individual model from the Reaper Miniatures set 2845 Townsfolk VI: Gravedigger and Henchman by Bobby Jackson.  While the metal set will set you back $14, the bones figure is $2.50.

Reaper doesn't give the townsfolk models interesting names - just Undertaker in this case.  Therefore I had a little bit of WWE fun - the "Undertaker' there is a performer by the name of Calaway - so, for the models name I shortened it down to Calwy the Undertaker - a bit of humor on my part.

The only proper coat to give this guy is a black coat and black is a difficult color to paint as a main theme as you can't really shade or highlight black.  So what I did here was to use various shades of gray and then wash the entire model with black to give it the effect of a black coat.

Painting instructions for Undertaker:

Step 1: Undercoat model with black paint
Step 2: Use Bronzed Flesh on face
Step 3: Use Regal Blue on sash across the neckline
Step 4: Use Snakebite Leather on the bags, gloves, and shoes
Step 5: Use Graveyard Earth on shirt/undergarments
Step 6: Use Shadow Grey on coat/hat
Step 7: Use Space Wolf Grey to highlight coat/hat
Step 8: Use Bestial Brown on shovel shaft
Step 9: Use Gunmetal on shovel and shoulder pads
Step 10: Liberally washed the entire model with a black wash
Step 11: Drybrush Codex Grey on base
Step 12: Drybrush Fortress Grey on base
Step 13: Drybrush Skull White on base
Step 14: Use Chaos Black on sides of base

Oh - and that's back to the bones pile for the first time since last January 2015 - it's been a long 2 years since working the Kickstarter pile!  Been using my paint time to play D&D and the move to Texas was a bit time consuming as well.  Here's hoping to find a few spare hours here and there throughout the 2017 year to paint more bones - Happy New Year's Ya'll!!

Kickstarter paint total: 53 + 1 Undertaker = 54

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